Optical Lab Products

JAN 2014

Products & ideas for the laboratory professional.

Issue link: https://opticallabproducts.epubxp.com/i/233472

Contents of this Issue


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JANUARY 2014 social media advisor Holding Firm To Your New Year's Resolutions one-to-one with I ALLUDED TO the importance of planning in a lead-in to our December OPINIONS 03 04 05 06 gould on labor in the lab steve zwerman, chief operating officer, dynamic labs FEATURES 08 12 shining a light on anti-refective lenses the independent lab's competitive edge RUNDOWN 17 19 CONTENTS lab news new for the lab EDITORIAL STAFF BUSINESS STAFF PROFESSIONAL EDITOR Jim Grootegoed jg@visioncareproducts.com EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Shawn Mery sm@visioncareproducts.com EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Carol Gilhawley cg@visioncareproducts.com EASTERN SALES REPRESENTATIVE Sean Slattery ss@visioncareproducts.com CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Ana Montoya am@visioncareproducts.com WESTERN SALES MANAGER Marie Welsch mw@visioncareproducts.com CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Jeanne Muchnick jm@visioncareproducts.com VICE PRESIDENT, MARKETING Debby Corriveau dc@visioncareproducts.com VICE PRESIDENT, DESIGN Jane Kaplan jk@visioncareproducts.com VICE PRESIDENT, OPERATIONS Sharon O'Hanlon so@visioncareproducts.com VICE PRESIDENT, EDITORIAL Beth Schlau beth@visioncareproducts.com PRESIDENT/CEO Frank Giammanco fg@visioncareproducts.com SENIOR ART DIRECTOR Diane Cuddy diane@visioncareproducts.com PRODUCTION & WEB MANAGER Anthony Floreno af@visioncareproducts.com WEB CONTENT MANAGER Steve Curry sc@visioncareproducts.com CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Andrew Gould, Robert Lerose, Steven Warfeld totallyoptical.com FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/OpticalLabProducts issue of LABmail. One great method is to call it New Year's resolutions. Our industry was formed by risk-takers who had a desire, a passion, to provide a superior product and greater service to eyecare professionals (ECPs). How you survive is dependent upon how you actually achieve those goals and differentiate your business from your competition. Goals, or resolutions, are critical to your success. The following are general suggestions you might want to consider: 1. Defne your business, your culture, your strengths. OLP ran an article several years ago in which I interviewed several successful labs. The number-one factor in their success was that they all had defned who they were, their strengths, their objectives, and communicated those to both their customers and employees. 2. Identify and defne your resources, both monetary and personnel. 3. Generate more success with fewer ideas. It's critical to identify a priority of goals and then dedicate maximum resources to executing them. 4. Meet less and do more. 5. The Internet and social media are the future. Devote some time to developing your web page and Internet ordering for your customers. Also, adopt some interesting programs for your ECP customers. Consider something as simple as asking them to share a phone image of a patient wearing their new eyewear with a message such as: "Here's my new eyewear/glasses. I got them at Your Name Optical and I love them!" 6. Encourage creativity that involves everyone on your team. At Walman Optical, employees have developed a formalized "Suggestion" program that has resulted in improvements to everything from changing shipping carriers to sales initiatives. 7. Probably the most important point of all is to commit to your resolutions. Hold yourself accountable to your goals by evaluating your progress weekly or monthly and make JIM GROOTEGOED sure you break up your goals into reasonable action items Professional Editor, Optical Lab Products that you can make progress on every day. january 2014 1

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